Monday, April 9, 2012

Musing Mondays Meme

This week’s musing, from ShouldBeReading, asks…
What do you think are the top 5 books every woman should read? (And for the men who might be playing today: What do you think are the top 5 books every man should read?)

The top 5 books every woman should read are:
1- The ones that make her think.
2- The ones that make her laugh.
3- The ones that make her cry.
4- The ones anyone tells her she can't or shouldn't read (especially if they are "unsuitable for girls")
5- Any book that appeals to her for any reason.

Switch the pronouns and this is my list of the books every man should read as well. I thought the post about this at CaitesDayattheBeach was spot-on.

1 comment:

  1. well I was going to say your was spot on before you mentioned mine! lol.
    Yep, read what you love, wherever that takes you and ignore the labels!


Thanks for sharing your thoughts!

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