Saturday, August 31, 2013

Austen in August Wrap-up

I really enjoyed the Austen in August project hosted at Roof Beam Reader. The various guest posts gave a variety of perspectives on Austen which I found quite interesting. Based on reading those posts I want to read Among the Janeites by Deborah Yaffe and I want to spend some time lurking at The Republic of Pemberly.

I did reasonably well following the plan that I set for the project:
  • I watched and wrote about 3 movies
  • I read and wrote about Mansfield Park
  • I read A History of England, but haven't written about it yet
  • Pride and Prejudice and Zombies didn't make it off the shelf, but I did listen to a biography of Austen by Carol Shields that I didn't know about when I started the project
As my final contribution to the 2013 Austen in August project I draw your attention to a post from Flavorwire recently about very entertaining Jane Austen themed tarot cards.


  1. Looks like you had very successful Austen in August event! I am happy to have completed my one and only goal, which was to read Mansfield Park.

    1. It is so satisfying when you complete a goal you set, good work! I really like events like AinA that connect a group of people all reading "together" in a sense.

  2. A successful month! I ended up reading two novels which were both wonderful so a good month had by all.


Thanks for sharing your thoughts!

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