Monday, August 30, 2021

Unread Shelf Project

My Unread Shelves, 8/28/21
I haven't posted an update on the #unreadshelfproject for a while, but I have been chipping away at it. Back in March my my owned-but-not-read (OBNR) number was 101. Since then I have read 6 books from my OBNR list, discarded a couple that I decided were not for me, and added some new books (mostly used, except for this brand new release) to my shelves. As of today my OBNR number is 117. Even though it is higher than it was I still feel like I am making progress.

Looking ahead to what might yet get read this year, I am planning to read The Three Musketeers starting October 25th. I am also going to try to read a book for each of the monthly challenges:

  • September - A book you want to learn from (there are several biographies and several nonfiction titles to choose from)

  • October - A book you’re secretly afraid of (if I tell you which one I'm thinking about it won't be a secret!)

  • November - A book published before 2000 (fewer than 30% of my books were published after 2000 so this should be an easy one)

  • December - A book that reminds you of childhood (Mary Poppins; or maybe a book from my parents' collections)

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