Monday, March 14, 2022

Spinning the Classics

The Classics Club is hosting a spin this month with the number to be drawn on Sunday with the goal of reading the chosen book by April 30, 2022

Here is my list (with some duplicates to increase the odds for specific titles) of 20 not-yet-read titles from my Classics Club List:

  1. Where Angels Fear to Tread, E. M. Forster, 1905
  2. Walden, Henry David Thoreau, 1854
  3. Treasure Island, Robert Louis Stevenson, 1882
  4. Out of Africa, Isak Dinesen, 1937
  5. The Violent Bear It Away, Flannery O'Connor, 1960
  6. A Tale of a Tub, Jonathan Swift, 1704
  7. Islam: A Short History, Karen Armstrong, 2000
  8. The Story of Philosophy, Will Durant, 1926
  9. Doctor Zhivago, Boris Pasternak, 1957
  10. Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep?, Philip K. Dick, 1968
  11. Where Angels Fear to Tread, E. M. Forster, 1905
  12. The Member of the Wedding, Carson McCullers, 1946
  13. Lust for Life, Irving Stone, 1934
  14. Treasure Island, Robert Louis Stevenson, 1882
  15. The Violent Bear It Away, Flannery O'Connor, 1960
  16. A Tale of a Tub, Jonathan Swift, 1704
  17. The Waves, Virginia Woolf, 1931
  18. Lust for Life, Irving Stone, 1934
  19. Islam: A Short History, Karen Armstrong, 2000
  20. The Story of Philosophy, Will Durant, 1926


  1. I haven't read any of those, so I will look forward to your review on whatever book is picked.

    I am working on my list today, trying to make sure it has all the books from my Back to the Classics challenge.

  2. I've only read Angels, Zhivago, and Treasure Island. Treasure Island was my favorite, a very fun swashbuckling read! Good luck with your spin pick!

  3. I've got The Waves on my list! Though in a different slot.

    Treasure Island, Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep?, and Zhivago were all pretty great, I thought.

    Good luck with your spin!


Thanks for sharing your thoughts!

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