Tuesday, January 30, 2024

New-to-Me Authors

This week's Top Ten Tuesday topic is "New-to-Me Authors I Discovered in 2023"

  1. Katherine J. Chen (Joan)
  2. Ada Ferrer (Cuba: An American History)
  3. Tan Twan Eng (The House of Doors)
  4. Tony Hillerman (The Blessing Way)
  5. Pico Iyer (This Could be Home)
  6. William Kent Kruger (The River We Remember)
  7. Evan McHugh (Pint-sized Ireland)
  8. Cal Newport (Deep Work)
  9. Mary Norris (Greek to Me)
  10. Samantha Silva (Mr. Dickens and His Carol)


  1. It looks like you read some great new to you authors this year.

  2. I'm glad you found so many new authors to love in 2023! I've read MR. DICKENS AND HIS CAROL, but that's it from your list.

    Happy TTT (on a Wednesday)!


Thanks for sharing your thoughts!

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