by Haruki Murakami
My rating: 4 of 5 stars
"Our lives really do seem strange and mysterious when you look back on them. Filled with unbelievably bizarre coincidences and unpredictable, zigzagging developments. While they are unfolding,its hard to see anything weird about them, no matter how closely you pay attention to your surroundings." --p. 58)Reading a Haruki Murakami novel makes you think about things in a new way, it teaches you stuff (in this case about Japanese painting, opera, Vienna during WWII, and a bit about Jaguars), and it is weirdly wonderful. This novel is a perfect example of all these things. I also love that the chapter titles are lines from the text of that chapter, but they often seem to mean something else when they stand alone as titles than they do when you find them in context.
I'm saving this for the Christmas summer holidays when I have more time to devout to a big book. Thanks for the spoiler free review :-)