Wednesday, May 1, 2024

April Book Report

Manchester, NH; April 3, 2024
I finished 7 books last month.

A quote from this month's reading:

“We’re so old now,” I said, “that we can actually see the patterns. It’s a little terrifying.” 
― Michelle Huneven, Search

Here is my progress toward various goals and challenges:

 Here are the books I finished in April 2024: 
  1. Eleanor Roosevelt: The War Years by Blanche Weisen Cook (5-stars)
  2. The Little Book of Dog Care by Ace Tilton Ratcliff  (4-stars)
  3. The Divorce Colony by April White (4-stars)
  4. The Postman Always Rings Twice by James M. Cain (5-stars)
  5. The Cartographers by Peng Shepherd (3-stars)
  6. Search by Michelle Huneven (5-stars)
  7. Seven Sisters by Earlene Fowler (4-stars)
Three 5-star books in one month! 

1 comment:

  1. Nice, 3 5-star reads in 1 month is pretty good. I've also heard good things about 'Search' by Hunevan from an acquaintance IRL. Maybe it is time to add it to my TBR!


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